I have been thinking about some conversations that Pastor Steve and I have had with various college students, and why church involvement can be like pulling teeth for many students. The theme of being "too busy" has come up quite a bit, and I decided to chime in today on that whole concept.
After all, if I knew what was good for me, I'd probably say I was too busy to be involved in church, too. I mean, I work from 9:00am - 7:00pm (many times later). We have two little boys, aged 3 and 2, who run us ragged from 6:45am - 7:45pm (and a new baby on the way!).
Once 7:45 or 8:00 rolls around, that's my chance to dive into chores (I'm currently building a bunk-bed for the kids - my wife is sewing curtains and clothes), sneak in a conversation with my wife, do dishes and anything else I can do before bed at 11:00pm.
Weekends are our one chance to engage as a family in activities, as well as work on the "big projects".
This is our routine day in and day out. If I or my wife want a break, one of us needs to leave the kids alone with the other and take our breaks on a rotating basis (or pay for a babysitter). On top of all of this, we are buying a fixer-upper house that is unlivable in its current condition and will require weekends, holidays and vacation days to make safe enough to live in.
Why do I say all this? Is it to complain? Is it to earn "busy-points"? Absolutely not. I can name other couples I know with children who juggle even crazier schedules. I know that my life is nothing special in terms of comparison to others. I only mention it for one reason: we tell the students all the time that if they think they are busy now, wait until after college! I am relaying a glimpse into my own schedule as an example of what it takes to make a family work in our society. This is what you have to look forward to!
Can you see now why Steve and I (and others) are always cautioning and urging you to make church and ministry a priority? If you don't do it now, it will be very difficult to restructure your life later.
After all, if I wasn't involved in the church and plugged into ministry, there is no way I would be able to live the gospel at my work or in my home. My relationships that I have formed in my Growth Groups and working in the college ministry have helped to keep me grounded in my faith and in the community of believers.
If listening to a sermon on Sunday morning and disappearing into my schedule each week was all I did, I would become an ineffectual hearer of the Word, and not a doer of the Word. It would not take long for even the “inconvenience” of getting up on Sunday morning would be removed from my calendar.
Don’t become a statistic! Don’t forsake what you have been taught and fall through the cracks. The church, the Bride of Christ, is worthy of effort and sacrifice!