Tuesday, August 2, 2005

All Things Bright and Beautiful

My memory is terrible. I forget twenty minutes after I promise my wife I'll wash the dishes. Even worse, I forget movies and books merely months after I have read or watched them. It's kinda sad that I can't take the expereince with me for long, but it makes life interesting for me, as I get to enjoy great books for the first time over and over again.

A few weeks ago, I relived that experience by re-reading James Herriot's book, All Things Bright and Beautiful. The problem with alot of great books is that I used to be an avid reader and I know I've read them all before the sixth grade. But I found this one in Border's and decided to read it again. And I'm glad I did.

I love this book. I love the setting, the tone, mood... everything. You can't help but relax when you read his narratives about life as a country vet in Yorkshire. You find yourself laughing with him - and sometimes at him, as well as seeing the best and worst of human nature expressed in his clients.

It's a rare book that makes me laugh out loud. In fact, I very rarely laugh out loud at anything. This drives my wife nuts, as she will tell me a hilarious joke and then complain, "You're not laughing!"

"I'm laughing!" I reply, with scarcely more than a grin on my face.

After reading this book, I was encouraged to look for the vignettes in my daily life that define my reality. I've been motivated to stop and look at my surroundings and slow down the pace of my daily grind. It is tremendously important to take the time to enjoy the creation God has given us and simply rest. Hopefully, this summer, a lot of you can take the time to read a few good books.

Let me know what you're reading!

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