Thursday, August 25, 2005

What is this?

Anybody have any ideas? I pulled over on the side of the road (Highway 166) to... um... say hello to the cows... and found this. Any ideas what it may have belonged to?


Anonymous said...

Looks like a spine and some ribs to me. Ribs...mmmm...tasty.

Anonymous said...

Oh, yeah. And if I'm not mistaken, that's a shoe on the left side. Shoes...mmm...Err...Never mind.

Unknown said...

Dude. I DO have a college education. I know it's a spine and I know it's ribs...

I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas as to what kind of animal it is?!

But speaking of ribs... I think I'll have to post about Santa Maria BBQ tomorrow...

Anonymous said...

Dude. Didn't they tell you in that college education that you should be very specific when you write? That is, of course, unless you're a politician. haha.

In any case it's kinda difficult to tell what kind of animal it is unless there's a scale. When I first saw it, I thought it was a cow. I mean, you mentioned you stopped to see the cows and stuff, so that was my immediate reaction. However, upon closer examination, I concluded that it was your shoe on the left side. Am I wrong? I also noticed the size of the pine needles in relationship to the skeleton. In that case, my guess is that it looks about 1.5 feet long or so. Am I right? If I am, my best guess is that it is an opossum or possibly a skunk. If it's bigger or smaller than that, I have other ideas, but let me know the scale and I'll give you a better guess.

Anonymous said...

hmm.. opossum, raccoon or skunk. What's the prize if we guess right? Haha jk