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While Pastor Tim is probing the intellectual depths of our artistic insights (by the way, I think the picture has something to do with Matthew's context--the glory of the Transfiguration and the ensuing scene with the disciples
inability to cure the demonized boy...but don't tell him I said anything!), I had my bike ride from Saturday on my mind! I'm far less profound than him! In all my pride I have to boast that I reached a new milestone (literally!) last Friday--I did a three-beach tour on my bike. I hit Morro Bay, Port San Luis and Pismo in one shot and reached a new record of 55 miles in one ride. It was a beautiful day (too windy though!) and I found myself praising God for the majesty of His Creation (If that's what He can make, what must He, as the Creator be like!). If you didn't get outside last Friday, all I can say is, I feel bad
for you.
So there I was on my best ride to date, moving along at a steady 22mph, and feeling great about the ride and myself. I was riding south on Higuera toward the freeway frontage road and began to think about how good I'm becoming again on the bike. (You might be wondering where I got the "humble" part of the progress about now!) Right as I was
thinking this and feeling really good about myself I went under the freeway overpass and heard someone call out "LEFT!" behind me. Almost immediately a guy went by me as if I were standing still. He didn't look winded, or even like he was trying. Between a tiny decent and a little tail wind (and a dose of invigorated pride) I got up to 26mph. He continued to move away from me, though a little less quickly. It was about that point I remembered that it's just good for me to be on my bike getting a little exercise. It's so easy to be competitive and so easy to let our pride rear up. At the end of the day though I'm pleased I rode a little further than last time. I'm delighted I'm riding at all. Best of all, I got to be surrounded by God's creation and to reflect on Him.
Last night's baptism service was amazing. I tend to find myself thinking of a baptism service as kind of like the vegetable of church life. It's good for you and all, but when push comes to shove, it's easy to allow other things to take priority. As I sat there last night listening to people share their testimonies it was more like eating the center of a warm, gooey cinamon roll with that tastey white frosting on top! Why do I think in such analogies you may ask...I don't know! Don't overanalyze it, just go with it. The point is, it was some of the sweetest time I can think of being together with the Body of Christ I can think of in recent memory. Let me share a couple stories that stuck with me.
Lindsay, a sophomore in high school, share how she has signed up to be baptized 5 times, only to find out she had a to have another surgery on her foot (Lindsay has had an ongoing issue with a broken foot). She shared how the Lord has taught her that suffering is a real part of living as a Christian in this world. SHe read 2 Cor. 12:9-10 for us, "9 But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 10 For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong."
There was Tim too. A man who has attended Grace Church for 18 years. 2 years ago, in the midst of a life focused on success, the Lord broght his job to an abrupt end. Through this experience he was convicted of his need for Jesus and gave his life to Christ! The Gospel changes everything.
Cameron is a college student who was driven to make an impact that would hcange the world through aerospace engineering. God, through a unique set of circumstances, brought him to the Bible where he was convicted of the foolishness of his pursuits. He gave his life to Christ and is now leading a Bible study.
These are just quick sample stories where the power of the Gospel to change and sustain lives is tremendously evident. I didn't do a great job promoting baptism in college ministry and after last night, I particularly regret that. Here, in the midst of our series on the Church, we missed one of it's unique expressions. Where else do people gather to watch others get symbolically dunked underwater in response to their beliefs? We prayed, we heard testimony of the living God changing lives, we worshipped and were challenged and encouraged. If yo've never been baptized, I want to challenge you to begin thinking about it now. When we have another baptism service in a couple months, consider getting into the water! If you've been baptized, next time come and celebrate and worship with the church family. Grab some friends and make a night of it--you won't be sorry!
On Friday the movie End of the Spear comes out. It’s the story of Mincayani, a Waodani tribesman from the jungles of Ecuador. When five young missionaries, among them Jim Elliot and Nate Saint, are speared to death by the Waodani in 1956, a series of events unfold to change the lives of not only the slain missionaries' families, but also Mincayani and his people through the power of forgiveness.
It's a testament to the power of the gospel to bring change. This is one of the most famous and inspiring stories of 20th century missions. It was made well known through Elisabeth Elliot's best selling book, Beyond the Gates of Splendor. I've been looking at their web site and it looks like they've really tried to stick to the truth of what happened. Apparently Steve Saint, Nick Saint's son, worked with them to help ensure the accuracy of the movie. He's quoted as saying, "In honesty, seeing it, its more of 'A True Story,' than 'Based on a True Story.'" I also thought it was interesting that originally the Waodani people did not want to cooperate with the making of the film. Steve Saint shared with them what happened a few years back at Colombine High and they saw our culture as needing to hear their story!
I can't vouch for the movie as I haven't seen it yet, but Lisa and I are planning to see it soon. I hear it will be playing down in Arroyo Grande. If any of you see it first, I'd love to hear what you think of it.
OK, I'm getting posts on the blog asking if it's dead and my friend in Russia just emailed about the blog and I realized I really haven't posted anything in a month! It's ironic that my last post was on getting things done! I am making progress though. I'm in the transition pains of switching from one very ineffective way of doing things to a much more effective system. I'm halfway between right now, so you can imagine where that leaves me!
Our family had the opportunity last night to speak at a "Get to Know You" night with the Jr & Sr. High groups. Lisa and I shared how we came to Christ, about my calling to ministry, how we met, married and had two kids and we shared some of David's story. The boys were the hit of the night--Matthias shared some mighty words of wisdom and hammed it up for everyone! It was a blast.
Matthias is sharing some office time with me this morning while his brother is at therapy. He wants to try his hand at Blogging, so here goes...
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You see how wise and learned he is--not bad for a two year old! (His birthday was Sunday.) Think about this--were you Blogging at two years old?