Thursday, January 19, 2006

back to blogging!

OK, I'm getting posts on the blog asking if it's dead and my friend in Russia just emailed about the blog and I realized I really haven't posted anything in a month! It's ironic that my last post was on getting things done! I am making progress though. I'm in the transition pains of switching from one very ineffective way of doing things to a much more effective system. I'm halfway between right now, so you can imagine where that leaves me!

Our family had the opportunity last night to speak at a "Get to Know You" night with the Jr & Sr. High groups. Lisa and I shared how we came to Christ, about my calling to ministry, how we met, married and had two kids and we shared some of David's story. The boys were the hit of the night--Matthias shared some mighty words of wisdom and hammed it up for everyone! It was a blast.

Matthias is sharing some office time with me this morning while his brother is at therapy. He wants to try his hand at Blogging, so here goes...

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You see how wise and learned he is--not bad for a two year old! (His birthday was Sunday.) Think about this--were you Blogging at two years old?


Anonymous said...

I have always known that he was a genius!

Anonymous said...

Glad to have you back. You were gone for waaayyy too long. Keep blogging.

Anonymous said...

BTW, I like Matthias' penchant for punctuation. It's interesting that he started off on the left side of the keyboard and steadily moved towards the right. I dunno. I guess that's the geek in me.