Wednesday, June 28, 2006

the gospel for real life

As I counsel people it seems to me that I often find myself pointing once again to the power of the cross and our hope in the Gospel to transform us. I've been convicted for a long time now that the Gospel is not just for the unbeliever, but for the life of the believer as well. I'm continually looking for a good book to recommend that will get people started and take them further down the path of the Gospel in their lives. At this stage I'm surprised how often I find myself recommending a particular book by Jerry Bridges, The Gospel For Real Life. I've read it with some guys I've discipled and it seems to be relevant to so many situations I come across. Instead of limiting my recommendation of this book to those I meet with one on one, I thought it might be a helpful resource to recommend more broadly. The back cover summerizes the book well...

The gospel of Jesus Christ is the door to eternal life, but what difference does it make once we're inside God's kingdom? Jerry Bridges says the gospel is the very lifeblood of our walk with God. Without doubt it is the key to our salvation, but it is also the power for our daily progress in holiness.
The Gospel for Real Life will help you.
  • Experience freedom from the grip of sin and know the joy of pursuing holiness
  • Revel in God's acceptance of you and participate in His grace as a daily reality
  • Expose the subtle acids of legalism in your life and enjoy the liberty of the cross
  • Discover how to "preach the gospel to yourself daily" and so partake of its continuous transforming power
  • Carry the true fullness of the gospel to a desperately needy world around you

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