Monday, December 5, 2005

celebrating Jesus

Saturday night a bunch of us got together in the Ministry Center at church to celebrate Jesus' birthday! It was great to see everyone dressed up and to just get time to hang out and chat (and eat and drink egg nog--egg nog's my favorite!). I got to talk Cassie, Katie, John & Tim--all of whom I've never really had the chance to talk with before! KLIFE provided us with some great Christmas CD's that we gave away, so some people are going home with some great tunes to remind them about The Lord's Son this Christmas! Here's some pics of some of those who were there--I loved seeing Stephen and Austin squaring off during charades! (Stephen walked up all quiet and reserved and threw himself down on the floor and waved his arms and legs as soon as their time started--it was an awesome sight! He's agile like a cat!) As we hit finals these next couple weeks (Poly and Cuesta) and head for home, let's keep our eyes on Jesus, who broke into this world as a tiny baby to bring redemption and reconciliation!


Anonymous said...

so this isnt about your blog so much, but you should check your fresno email b/c i think you may have a friend request or 2 waiting for you from facebook...

Anonymous said...

Yay for the Christmas Party. Sorry if you missed it. Come back next year.