Friday, July 22, 2005

What A Week!

I've had a great week getting together with students and adult mentors with the Source! As we begin to look toward Fall we've talked about a Fall retreat possibility, college Growth Groups (I'll blog more on this next week), worship team, the look and feel of Sunday Mornings and all kinds of other things. I appreciate the initiative and responsiveness I see among those engaged in college ministry here at Grace.

I'm looking forward to this Sunday morning at The Source. Dan Edwards is going to bring us a message from Acts 20 and Patrick Little has been putting together a band for the morning--including a new freshman or two! Way to go Pat in making this happen! For those of you who are new to the group, this will give you a taste of what takes place more consistently throughout the year.

I've been Talking with Christal Alderton about the Luau next week. Don't forget to sign up for snacky food and let me or Christal know if you want to help with the event (you can sign up on Sunday, or comment on the blog or email me at Plans for this years' Hoedown (Oct.29--put it on your calendar now!) are already underway. I hear this is an incredible time together and has been going on for more than 15 years! I'm excited to experience this thing for myself for the first time.

I love what I do. What a joy and privilege to work with such great people as we have here in our college ministry at Grace!


Anonymous said...

The college hoe down was always one of the highlights of my year. I'll miss gong this year. Every student should go because it is a blast, plus, all that square dancing you were forced to learn in school can now actually be applied. Who would have thought, you do learn stuff in school that you can actually use in the real world. My teachers were right after all ... <><

Anonymous said...

That's Great News! Glad to hear that everything is going well this summer up in SLO. I'm enjoying my time down here in Irvine, but I totally miss being at church and being involved in everything that's going on.

Reading about what's happening totally makes me eager to see what God will be doing this year with our group and the students at Cal Poly and Cuesta.

The Hoedown is officially on my calendar for Oct. 29.

I'm so glad to hear you love what you're doing. I'm sure I speak for the rest of the group when I say that we're glad to have you with us for this awesome journey of life in Christ. We, too, have a great privilege to partner with you in ministry at Grace.