Tuesday, July 5, 2005

Summer Days

What a weekend! We had a good group that came out for our SLO Blues Baseball game last Friday night including a number of our new freshmen class! If you didn't make it, you missed a great time of connecting and fun. The Blues trounced the Marlins 9-0 (not that I saw much of the game--I was talking the whole time). I enjoyed meeting some new faces and spending a great July evening being together. There was some talk among our student leaders who were there about a possible Luau this summer--pool, BBQ, music and great times! We'll keep our eyes posted for more details on that!

I'm also nursing my sunburn from our All Church 4th of July Picnic yesterday afternoon. Thanks again to those of you from The Source who got in there and made a significant contribution to one of the key components of the day--games! I heard there were a number of people at the picnic who were very encouraged to hear that our college students had jumped in to serve. I was so impressed as a newcomer to Grace how many people church-wide stepped forward to make yesterday happen. Karen Weaver (head organizer for the picnic) even told me she had to turn help away because everything was already taken care of!

It's like I said on Sunday morning. Sometimes we get confused and think God needs because He's got a lot to do and He needs help to make it happen. In reality, God tells us, "My counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish my purpose..." (Is 46:10), and He gives us the privilege to play a role in what He is accomplishing. I look forward to us grasping this and looking for opportune moments to join Him more and more!


Anonymous said...

Let me know if the luau is something you might want to get goin...then I can look into a place to have it!

Anonymous said...

The hearts of service found in the congregation is definitely one of the things that attracted me to Grace. I love the fact that so many people take time to serve and minister to their fellow brothers and sisters. Keep up the great work everyone!

I'm glad to hear that you guys had a great time at the Game. Wish I could have been there.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us. Keep it up!