Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Too much work!

It's looking like from now to the end of April is going to be a very busy and difficult time for me and my family. I don't want to give up on blogging, but I need some help!

Anyone out there want to contribute? If so, drop me an email at and I will be happy to set you up with access to share daily doese of wisdom or commentary. I've always wanted the blog ministry to be a community effort, so the more the merrier!

Speaking of marry her, did y'all hear that Ben Greenway and his girlfriend Meike Muckenhaupt are engaged? She is back in Germany for a while, so if you think of it, please pray for them as they seek the Lord's direction for the immediate future in their lives.

What did you guys think of Steve on Sunday? We should have Heritage Builders and Living Stones join us more often! They bring great snacks!

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