Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Finals Week and SOCKS Weaponry

Howdy. I'm writing this as a quick note of encouragement to all of you out there struggling through finals this week.

Who am I kidding? I'm the last person you should look to for encouragement during heavy exams. If you talk to me, I'd encourage you to forget the books with one of the following responses:

"Well, if you don't know it now, you never will."
"What do you call a guy who got C's all through med school? Doctor."
"You think your employer is going to look at your GPA?"

That's right... in college I prided myself on knowing when and how to relax. For example, this Wednesday night's SOCKS tournament is a great way to blow off some finals week frustration!

Instead of our normal Thursday night meeting, we will be meeting on Wednesday night to play a variation on the paint-ball theme. Only, instead of paintballs, we will be hurling socks duct-taped together at each other.

Warning: I overheard several engineering students talking about rigging SOCKS siege weapons. I recommended a design for a hand-cranked gatling gun, but was told that an automatic pitching machine would work better. Ha... let them try it... me and Josh are bringing our potato guns (more).

Anyways, I look forward to seeing you guys on Wednesday night. This is a great opportunity to bring some friends and get them plugged into the group before the spring quarter gets underway. And no, I was just kidding. No SOCK weapons will be in play - just your throwing arm.

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