Friday, July 13, 2007

what i'm reading

I have turned to 9 Marks Ministries and their excellent leadership interviews for a couple of years now as a source to feed my soul for life and in pastoral ministry. I finally just finished reading Mark Dever's 9 Marks of a Healthy Church and am encouraged and challenged by hte issues Dever puts forth.

He makes clear from the beginning that these marks aren't an exhaustive list of practices that should occur in churches. He choses these because he believes they are hte oens that are falling more and more out of practice in today's church. I can say that I agree with Dever for the most part. I found his chapter on leadership very practical, the chapter on church discipline has done much to improve my undestanding of that practice and I was stirred by way of reminder as I read the first chapter on Expositional Preaching.

I recommend this book to anyone who wants to better understand God's calling on the Church.

The 9 Marks are:
  1. Expositional Preaching
  2. Biblical Theology
  3. Biblical Understanding of the Good News
  4. Biblical Understanding of Conversion
  5. Biblical Understanding of Evangelism
  6. Biblical Understanding of Membership
  7. Biblical Church Discipline
  8. Biblical Discipleship and Growth
  9. Biblical Understanding of Leadership

1 comment:

Ethan said...

I wish he included something about joyful community. But then it would be 10 marks and that is not original.

PS Steve is looking slim!!!